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There are 47 results.

Career Management Skills at VET school level (CARMA)
The project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission was an international cooperation of Hungary, Finland and Bulgaria. The aim of CARMA project is to empower teachers from partner countries (Hungary, Finland and Bulgaria) and beyond to deliver career guidance and foster the development of career management skills among VET students in order to prevent early school leaving, increase motivation and attainment levels as well as employability. The partnership develops a comprehensive Manual for VET teachers to support VET learners in developing career management skills. Based on this manual teachers of partner schools (Manfred Weiss VET school, Budapest, HU and Raahe VET Institute, FI) take part a structured training to enhance their\\\\\\\' competencies in career guidance. Career guidance pilot sessions will be held by trained teachers in two partner schools. As final output, policy recommendations - a document, will provide information for the decision makers on national and European level about the key conclusions of the project and suggests policy improvements.

QALL! Qualification for All!
The QALL! Qualification for All! project aimed at the reduction of early school leaving by mapping up and distributing Hungarian and international good practices in the field. One central element was to build a wide network in Hungary by the involvement of representatives of the 19 counties and Budapest. With the active participation of these local coordinators 7 regional conferences were organized focusing on local issues and best practises. The most important outcomes were a horizontally (countrywide) and vertically (education, social and employment sectors) broad network of stakeholders and some policy recommendations built on the results and inputs of national and international researches and the conferences. Policy recommendations were implemented in the national strategy on early school leaving which was an ex-ante condition of the European Union.

The project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission was an international cooperation of Spain, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, Bulgaria and the United States. The reason that motivates the project is the fact that in many member states, many young migrants and youth who need special attention are not doing well in the education system. This poses a great and serious challenge to EU education systems, especially for primary and secondary schools as well as initial vocational training. The project aims to deliver concrete models of media based didactics to prevent drop-out, early school leaving and poor learning results. The final aim is to offer quality inspirational material to teachers and institutions. The project would take the learning into the media world of youth at risk, instead of asking them to leave their media world and enter the old classrooms.

Intercultural Mentoring tools to support migrant integration at school (INTO)
The project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission was a Comenius Multilateral Project cooperation of Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Poland and the United Kingdom. The project aimed to promote strategies and methods that help students with a migrant background at risk of ESL to maintain their motivation. An Intercultural Mentoring Programme based on the empowered peer education methodology was developed, tested and validated. 50 students with migrant background were trained as Intercultural Mentors and they were able to provide support to their peers in learning, study prosecution guidance and homework’s support. The Intercultural mentor profile was adapted to different European contexts, developed in collaboration with at least 100 school staff members (headmaster and secondary school teachers from 5 different European countries) and tested as well. The focus was a bit different in every participating country – e.g.: in Italy the International Mentors helped the new students in their arrival to the school, in Spain they helped to overcome the language barriers of reading, writing and speaking. Beside the language knowledge psychological support and increased level of integration was in focus in Poland. The Guide gives practical help on how to choose the young mentor, while the toolkit is a more detailed for the professionals on how to implement this framework.

Early School-Leaving and Second-Chance Education (ESSE)
TThe ESSE project was dedicated to teachers, trainers, guidance workers, youth workers and educational experts involved in education at all levels, focused on prevention, intervention and compensation within the area of early school leaving and second chance education. The objectives of the project were to identify and share good practice models and professional development support, and create an online observatory where all materials were presented. The results follow the prevention – intervention – compensation terminology: you can find good practices based on that approach in the field of early school leaving. While collection of e-books and teacher training materials are available and giving practical help for professionals mostly aiming secondary teachers of all subjects to help them apply coaching methods in the classroom to support the learning of all students. The project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission was an international cooperation of Ireland, Poland, Spain, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal and Romania

Dyslexia for teachers of English as a foreign language
The project was an international cooperation of Poland, Hungary, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Germany and Austria within the Lifelong Learning Program. The project focused on dyslexic students and gave methodological help to their teachers. The project aimed to reinforce support for dyslexic students in mainstream education through foreign language teacher training. It addresses a gap in the field of English language teacher training where the needs of dyslexic students are frequently neglected. It provides both a solid theoretical foundation about the nature of dyslexia and practical suggestions for classroom teaching, task and curriculum design, and assessment. The course is unique in its focus on dyslexic language learners, in its approach to teacher training and in providing freely downloadable booklets and a complete set of self-study materials with a wide repertoire of useful teaching methods, techniques and tools. As a second step, based on this Comenius DysTEFL teacher development course, the horizon of the project was widen and popularize in the DysTEFL2. Needs analysis and research were compiled beside the self-study materials.

Cross-sectoral cooperation focused solutions for preventing early school leaving (CroCooS)
The European Commission supported project was an international cooperation of Hungary, Slovenia and Serbia, with the involvement of experts from two Northern-European countries, Denmark and The Netherlands. In the framework of the CroCooS project an Early Warning System (EWS), a systemic tool used by educational institutions at institutional level has been developed. This EWS is based on measurable data and observable phenomena, facilitating the timely identification of students at risk of dropping out and also the establishment and application of tailor made prevention measures on an individual level. Building a comprehensive early warning system at institutional level is a long-term process taking place through an institutional development including the formation of a strategy and an implementation plan considering the needs of many actors within and outside the institution at all times of the development process and coping with the challenges of change, building on trust and accepting support from outside. This process in schools demands strong engagement from the entire institution and its network including primarily the school management but also teachers, trainers, other members of staff, students and the parents and the supporting services surrounding the school. A detailed guidelines and an online toolkit for teachers help the schools’ teamwork.

A korai iskolaelhagyók felkarolása és szakképzettséghez juttatása
A szegedi Szakképző Iskola és Általános Iskola József Attila Tagintézménye célul tűzte ki a hátrányos helyzetű, tanulási nehézséggel küzdő fiatalok támogatását. Az intézmény képzést kínál az általános iskola 6-8. évfolyamára, a Híd I. és a Híd II. programban, Pilot programban, szakiskolai szakképzésben, speciális szakiskolai előkészítő évfolyamra és szakképzésben, felnőttek általános iskolai képzésére (7-8. évf.). Az iskolába felvételüket kérők iskolai kudarcok sorozatán vannak túl, jellemzően túlkorosan, más iskolákból elutasítottan, általában tanulási nehézséggel, tanulási akadályozottsággal, változatos képességprofillal érkeznek. A cél: a 8 évfolyamos általános iskola befejezése és a szakmai képzettség megszerzése.

Megtartó közösség építése az Óbudai Nagy László Iskolában
1. A programok célja az, hogy kötődést alakítson ki az iskolához, amely képes megtartani a gyermeket a nehéz családi háttér ellensúlyozásaképpen. Ehhez szükséges eszközök: •Az Folyamatos pozitív stroke – Lelki megerősödését szolgálja •Kiszakadás, felszabadulás a mindennapok zaklatottságából •Én képes vagyok, hathatok a világra… •Másképp látszani – tanulási kudarcokból kitörni •Tehetségfeltárás – pozitív önértékelés •Mintát adni: rendszeresség, család, ünnep, tudni adni-kapni, szolidaritás érzése •A családot kell megnyerni- az intézményelhagyás csak így tud csökkenni, ha az „egész családod gondozzuk” •Pedagógus mentálhigiéné •Team munka- gondozói team 2. A folyamat beindításához a gondozói team éves élménypedagógiai terve, majd vezetőségi konzultáció és ütemezés szükséges. Ezt követi a pedagógusok bevonása, konkrét feladatleosztások, a programok előtt részletes eligazítás minden szinten 3. Cél a minimális anyagi ráfordítás: Iskola alapítványának támogatása, személyes ismeretségek alapján támogatások gyűjtése cégektől, III. kerületi intézménypszichológusi hálózat bevonása. 4. Folyamat: a) Közös főzés, vendégül látás az ismert TV-s műsör iskolára adaptált változata: Testvérosztályok kialakítása, Felsősök főzés, terítés, alsós osztályok sütemény készítés, majd közös vendégség, zsűrizés, a folyamat videóra vétele és gálán közös megtekintése, mindenki legyen nyertes! b) Egészségnap: Ez a nap szóljon rólad! Az egészséges életmód legkülönbözőbb területeiről szerezhető ismeret és élmény állomásos játék formájában. Az osztályok a különböző helyszíneken megismerkedhetnek a mentővel, egészséges táplálkozással, relaxációval, különféle sporttevékenységeket próbálhatnak ki, közben jutalmakat gyűjtenek. Előzetes feladat: Az egyes állomások helyszíni kijelölése, állomásvezetőinek kiválasztása, és a 15 perces program levezetése, majd a gyerekek mennek a következő állomásra kísérése.

Családi üdültetés
A Józsefvárosi Biztos Kezdet Gyerekház egyik különlegessége, hogy minden évben lehetőségekhez mérten egy vagy több alkalommal szervez üdültetést Magyarkúton a rendszeresen járó családok számára. A szállást a Józsefvárosi Gyermek Üdülő biztosítja, ennek köszönhetően teljes körűen felszerelt panzióban helyezik el a családokat. Nagy zöldövezetes kert tartozik az üdülőhöz, így a programokat jó idő esetén kint tudják megrendezni, s a gyerekek egész nap a szabad levegőn lehetnek. A korcsoportnak megfelelő játékokat biztosítják.

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