Study Finder

879 results:
International Relations
University of Pécs
Language: English, Location: Pécs
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Duration: 4 semesters semesters
International Relations
University of Szeged
Language: English, Location: Szeged
Faculty: Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Duration: 4 semesters semesters
International Relations
University of Szeged
Language: French, Location: Szeged
Faculty: Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Duration: 4 semesters semesters
International Relations
Tomori Pál College
Language: English, Location: Budapest
Faculty: , Duration: 6 semesters semesters
International Relations
University of Public Service
Language: English, Location: Budapest
Faculty: Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies, Duration: 4 semesters semesters
International Relations
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Language: English, Location: Kaposvár
Faculty: Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, Duration: 6 semesters semesters
International Relations
Széchenyi István University
Language: English, Location: Győr
Faculty: Apáczai Csere János Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, Duration: 6 semesters semesters
International Water Governance and Diplomacy
University of Public Service
Language: English, Location: Budapest
Faculty: Faculty of Water Sciences, Duration: 4 semesters semesters
International Welding Engineer
University of Miskolc
Language: English, Location: Miskolc
Faculty: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, Duration: 3 semesters semesters
Internationale Beziehungen
Andrássy Universität Budapest
Language: German, Location: Budapest
Faculty: , Duration: 4 semesters semesters