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Doctoral School of Regional Sciences and Business Administration [Social Science] (SzEEDSM)

Insitution:Széchenyi István University
Faculty:Doctoral School of Regional Sciences and Business Administration
Course / programme name:Doctoral School of Regional Sciences and Business Administration [Social Science] (SzEEDSM)
Branch of Science:Social Science
Level of studies:Doctoral
Qualification:Doctor of Philosophy in Business and Management Sciences
Language of instruction:English
Duration of the course / programme:8 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Győr
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsAvailable

SzEEDSM is a unique, accredited English language PhD program in Business Administration in Hungary. The program, built on academic rigor and generally accepted theories and research methods of Business Administration emphasizes practical relevance and the importance of using multiple theoretical lenses in developing analyses of issues at hand. The goal of SzEEDSM is to enable PhD candidates to become leaders of change in their communities both in academia and in practice by offering them, with the active participation of noted international scholars, a program that is up-to global standards. The SzEEDSM Doctoral Program boasts with outstanding international teaching staff and supervisors and it has an atmosphere of personalized education. The university is located on a beautiful campus in the vicinity of three rivers in a historic town of Gyõr, Hungary, Cetral Europe.

MSc degree from a related field from a reputable and recognized institution of higher education.
Language requirements:
One of the following indications of English-language proficiency: (a) TOEFL IBT test score of 66, or PBT score 513, (b) Cambridge First Certificate ",B",, (c) IELTS score of 5.5 (d) any official certificate equal to the above mentioned. Additionally, work experience in, and degrees from English speaking countries will also be taken into account in when meeting the language requirements.
Entrance examination:Yes
Entrance type:Both
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):B2
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):B2
Place of examination:Online

Admission to the doctoral program is organized through the annual admission process. The programs available are announced by the program directors. The University laws and regulations outline the requirements for admission.Applications to the doctoral program have to be submitted to the secretary of the doctoral school by the announced deadline. The application must include a fully completed application form.Those university students that will be writing their final exam after the application deadline must enclose a copy of their transcripts with the application form. The admission of these students is conditional.In the admission process the applicant has to choose a specialization (Management or Transdisciplinarity).Admission tests and interviews, tipically, are conducted once a year. The exact date and place are determined by the Doctoral Council. The secretary of the doctoral school will notify the candidates about the exact date and time of the admission test and interview.The admission test includes two separate part: one part to check the language competencies, and another one to check the professional background of the applicant. The admission interviews are free-flowing conversations, lasting up to an hour per applicant, where the admission committee tries to get to know the person behind the many data and details we have on file. The admission interview is also a forum where the applicants can defend and clarify their views and convince committee members about the validity of their proposed research projects. The committee attempts to assess the applicants’ fit and judge their future success with the program. In its evaluation, the committee considers four broad categories: prior education/experience and recommendations, motivation letter (explaining why the applicant wants to enroll in this program and how, in the applicant’s view, the program impacts their career), and the committee’s assessment and impressions during the tests and interview.Regarding the SzEEDSM program the admission committee will evaluate the candidates according to the following general principles (max. points 100):Prior education/experience and recommendations max. 40 pointsMotivation letter max. 20 pointsAdmission interview max. 40 pointsThe candidates will be ranked by the Admission Committee and the Doctoral Council will make the final acceptance/rejections decisions.
Contact person name:Ms Orsolya Simon
Contact person job position:junior manager
Contact website:
Contact person name:Ms Orsolya Simon
Contact person job position:junior manager
Contact website:
Contact person name:Ms Orsolya Simon
Contact person job position:junior manager
Contact website:
Availability of preparatory year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Min. students1
Max. students10
Availability of preparatory year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Min. students2
Max. students2