Study Finder

Expert in Law and Governance

Insitution:Széchenyi István University
Faculty:Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
Course / programme name:Expert in Law and Governance
Branch of Science:Legal Science
Level of studies:One-tier Master
Qualification:Expert in Law and Governance
Language of instruction:English
Duration of the course / programme:2 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Győr
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsNot available

Law. Governance. Leadership. Széchenyi István University is the first to offer LLM program in Law and Governance in Europe. The program offers a unique experience and knowledge in the field of leadership, decision-making and governance. Participants will gain theoretical and practical knowledge in public law pertaining to governance, models of government, legislatives studies, international and supranational aspects of governance, public management, NGOs and media-governance.The primary goal of the program is to enable legal experts to participate efficiently in different levels of decision-making processes, in both the public and private sector. The program provides additional insight into governmental decision-making and will also include communication activities, networking and cultural events in various Central European cities – to enhance leadership skills in a domestic or international environment. Each opportunity is designed to prepare students for careers at the intersection of law and public management.

An authorized copy of a BSc/BA degree from any higher education institution already completed that is relevant to your application.
Language requirements:
One of the following indications of English-language proficiency: (a) TOEFL IBT test score of 66, or PBT score 513, (b) Cambridge First Certificate ",B",, (c) IELTS score of 5.5 (d) any official certificate equal to the above mentioned
Entrance examination:Yes
Entrance type:Written
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):B2
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):B2
Place of examination:None

Admission to the program is organized through the annual admission process. The programmes on offer are announced by the programme management. The University laws and regulations outline the requirements for admission.University students writing their final exam after the application deadline must enclose a copy of their transcripts with the application form. The admission of these students is conditional.Admission process includes two processes:- language tests (written)- professional admission test (written)The secretary of the programme will notify the candidates about the exact date and time of the admission tests.The admission test includes two separate parts: one to check language competence, and another one to check the professional background of the applicant. Only those applicants whose admission test is borderline will be requested to take part in an interview. The admission interviews are free-flowing conversations, a forum where the applicants can defend and clarify their views and convince committee members about the validity of their application.In its evaluation, the committee considers the following categories: prior education/experience, language competence, BSc degree and its class, recommendations, motivation (explaining why the applicant wants to enrol in this programme.)The candidates will be ranked by the Admission Committee and the head of the programme will make the final acceptance/rejection decisions.
Contact person name:Ms Eszter Csizmarik
Contact person job position:Dean's Assitant
Contact website: