Study Finder

Doctoral School of Horticultural Sciences [Agricultural Science]

Insitution:Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Faculty:Doctoral School of Horticultural Sciences
Course / programme name:Doctoral School of Horticultural Sciences [Agricultural Science]
Branch of Science:Agricultural Science
Level of studies:Doctoral
Qualification:PhD in Crop and Horticultural Science
Language of instruction:English
Duration of the course / programme:8 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Budapest
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsAvailable

Theoretical training and individual research activity in one of the following scientific areas : Fruit bearing plants, Horticultural biology, Medicinal and aromatic plants, Ornamental plants and dendrology, Viticulture, Vegetables and cultivated fungi, Horticultural plant medicine. research is running usually in vivo and/or in vitro. After fulfilling all the course requirements, writing scientific papers and presentations, and fulfilling a successful defense of the thesis, students are awarded by a Doctoral degree. before application, it is highly suggested to look for a potential research topic and supervisor.

MSc degree in Agriculture or Biology or related sciences, min. B2 level of English
Entrance examination:Yes
Entrance type:Oral
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):B2
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):B2
Place of examination:Online

During the assessment, the emphasis is on the analysis of preliminary research activities and publications. There will be a Skype interview with the selected ones, during which the motivation, professional background and language skills of the students will be examined.
Contact person name:Dr. Noémi Kappel
Contact person job position:Secretary of Doctoral School
Contact website:
Contact person name:Dr. Noémi Kappel
Contact person job position:Secretary of Doctoral School
Contact website:
Contact person name:Dr. Noémi Kappel
Contact person job position:Secretary of Doctoral School
Contact website:
Availability of preparatory year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Min. students1
Max. students8
Availability of preparatory year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Min. students1
Max. students5