Study Finder

Doctoral School of Food Sciences [Agricultural Science]

Insitution:Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Faculty:Doctoral School of Food Sciences
Course / programme name:Doctoral School of Food Sciences [Agricultural Science]
Branch of Science:Agricultural Science
Level of studies:Doctoral
Qualification:PhD in Food Science
Language of instruction:English
Duration of the course / programme:8 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Budapest
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsAvailable

The Food Science Doctoral School Programme aims to provide the opportunity to obtain a doctoral degree (PhD) in the field of food chemistry and biochemistry of the food chain, food safety, food quality assurance, quality characterisation and quality preservation, food technology and biotechnology, food process measurement and automation.

MSc degree in food science related field
Entrance examination:Yes
Entrance type:Oral
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):B2
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):B2
Place of examination:Online

Assessment of the uploaded documents, language skills (language certificate is necessary: TOEFL, IELTS etc.), professional competence and motivation by programme leaders. Skype interview, and research plan.
Contact person name:Dr. Gabriella Kiskó
Contact person job position:Scientific Secretary of Doctoral School
Contact website:
Contact person name:Dr. Gabriella Kiskó
Contact person job position:Scientific Secretary of Doctoral School
Contact website:
Contact person name:Dr. Gabriella Kiskó
Contact person job position:Scientific Secretary of Doctoral School
Contact website:
Availability of preparatory year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Min. students1
Max. students15
Availability of preparatory year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Min. students1
Max. students5