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Dance and Rehearsal Coaching [Theatrical Dances] with Circus Dance profile

Insitution:Budapest Circus Arts and Contemporary Dance College
Course / programme name:Dance and Rehearsal Coaching [Theatrical Dances] with Circus Dance profile
Branch of Science:Arts
Level of studies:Bachelor
Qualification:Dancer and Coach (Theatrical Dancer) with Circus Dance profile
Language of instruction:English
Duration of the course / programme:6 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Budapest
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsNot available

The program prepares students primarily for dancing in the circus world.

High School Graduation Exam
Entrance examination:Audition is a process that takes several months, with the aim of ensuring that the applicant and the college representatives have a clear understanding of the commitment to the several years of cooperation ahead. During the pre-audition period, the applicant gets to know the school and her/himself as thoroughly and deeply as possible. The audition itself is also an excellent opportunity to face up to the joys and difficulties that await you. Knowing the opportunities and challenges is a responsi
Entrance type:aptitude and practical test
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):A2 English
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):A2 English
Place of examination:1st round can be online, 2nd round Budapest

At the admission test we want to know about the candidate:
– how much experience you have in the field of dance,
– whether you have the talent for the chosen career as a dancer in circus context,
– whether you are physically, mentally and emotionally suitable for the training and the chosen career.
– whether your abilities and professional orientation are such that you can be prepared for the chosen career through the pedagogical path offered by BCDC.
During the audition process, a simultaneous practical and aptitude test will be held simultaneously.
The aptitude test is an attempt to gain an objective and comprehensive picture of the motivation of the candidates and to identify their receptiveness and possible paths of development in the areas of development, creativity, performance and creative practice. The process will be rounded off with a discussion focusing on cultural and personal interests, particularly in the areas of circus, theatre, music, dance and visual arts.
The aptitude test is part of the practical test. During the admission procedure, the selection board may give a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ mark. A single ‘fail’ mark in the examination will disqualify the applicant from further admission. Calculation of admission points: points obtained during the admission procedure will be taken into account; points obtained during the admission procedure will not be taken into account.
Contact person name: Kitty Fejes
Contact person job position:head of course
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