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Dance (Contemporary Dance)

Insitution:Budapest Circus Arts and Contemporary Dance College
Course / programme name:Dance (Contemporary Dance)
Branch of Science:Arts
Level of studies:Bachelor
Qualification:Dancer (Contemporary Dancer)
Language of instruction:English
Duration of the course / programme:6 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Budapest
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsNot available

The curriculum focuses on the study of traditional and innovative dance techniques as well as supports and encourages students in their search and development of experimental, research-based creative practices that will lead them to find their own unique, authentic performing voice.

High School Graduation Exam
Entrance examination:The audition process will be a great opportunity for all participants to discover the joys and challenges they will encounter throughout the three-year training cycle. Knowing this beforehand will allow the faculty and student to responsibly embark on the extremely demanding preparation for a career as a professional dancer. Applicants who are admitted into the program will be invited for a Summer Creative Week, where students and faculty will have an opportunity to get to know each other and la
Entrance type:aptitude and practical test
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):A2 English
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):A2 English
Place of examination:1st round can be online, 2nd round Budapest

The audition process consists of two rounds.
The first round is the Pre-Audition (can be taken in person or online).
The second round is the Final Audition (by invitation only, and participation must be in person).

The purpose for the auditions is to find out:
- how much experience the student has in traditional and innovative techniques: contemporary dance, improvisation, creative work, ballet, and folk dance basics.
- the potential talent yet to be discovered for the student searching for a dance career in the field of contemporary dance.
- whether the pedagogical path offered by the program is suitable for the student, and whether the student’s present skill level and intellectual capacity can benefit from such an education.
During the audition process, the practical and aptitude test will be held simultaneously. The practical exam seeks to assess how much experience the applicant has in traditional and innovative dance techniques. The aptitude test examines whether the physical, mental, and psychological health of the student allows for participation in the course. During the audition procedure, Applicants may be given a “pass” or “fail” mark. A single ‘fail’ mark in the examination will disqualify the Applicant from further audition.

With the purpose of making an objective assessment, the faculty’s goals are to learn the applicant’s motivation and artistic interests. This information will help to map out possible pathways for development and growth in the areas of dance technique, physical training, and the creativity used in constructing dance works. This process will better inform the faculty on the possible future collaboration between applicants and the goals of the course. The entire process will end with a conversation focusing on cultural and personal interests, especially in the fields of dance, theater, music and visual arts.
Contact person name: Tamás Bakó
Contact person job position:head of course
Contact website: