Study Finder

Wine tourism expert, Sommelier

Insitution:University of Tokaj
Faculty:Lorántffy Institute
Course / programme name:Wine tourism expert, Sommelier
Branch of Science:Economic Science
Level of studies:Postgraduate
Qualification:Wine tourism expert, Sommelier
Language of instruction:English
Duration of the course / programme:2 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Sárospatak
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsNot available

The training of a gastronomy expert, who is equipped with the knowledge of catering product technology, is proficient in the world's beverage offer, can independently compile beverage and food sortiments, express his opinion on the basis of scientific foundations, can independently perform food and beverage management tasks, and can also stand his ground as a food critic. It is very important that the course builds on economic knowledge of the participant who has global knowledge of the world of hospitality-serving-beverage and food knowledge-nutrition and culinary. He will be able to carry out the procurement tasks independently, organize the work in the hospitality sector, organize an event, perform the tasks of F&B manager. The aim is product-specific and practice-oriented training, the focus of which is to transfer the wide range of knowledge, so that the participant has complex knowledge in the specific areas of gastronomy, not segmented to knowledge of beverages, food and hospitality, but is equipped with equal knowledge in all areas and understands the connections and entanglements, sees the process in its entirety and can operate it later and adapt it in practice.

BA/ BSc degree in any discipline
Entrance examination:No
Entrance type:There is no entrance examination process
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):C1
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):B2
Place of examination:There is no entrance examination process

There is no entrance examination process
Contact person name:Dr. Laszló Guth
Contact person job position:associate professor
Contact website: