Study Finder


Insitution:University of Pécs
Faculty:Faculty of Sciences
Course / programme name:Physics
Branch of Science:Natural Science
Level of studies:Master
Language of instruction:English
Duration of the course / programme:4 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Pécs
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsAvailable

In the Physics MSc course, we offer comprehensive knowledge. Those skills and subject groups such as Modern Physics, Optics and Laser Physics, Physics of Quantum Systems, Atomic and Molecular Physics encompass the science of the main areas of Physics based on the bachelor’s level of Physics. Practical courses and seminars provide students with hands-on skills. The seminars and practical courses outnumber the number of lectures in the curriculum. This is a good reflection of our preference for learning methods based upon active student participation. We encourage students' activity with homework, self-project tasks, and we support cooperative learning methods. The subjects of Quantum Systems and Laser Physics are closely related to the important research areas of the Institute of Physics.Courses create a foundation for writing theses related to Quantum-Optics, Quantum Informatics, Laser Physics, and Nonlinear Optics and Terahertz Physics subjects and for student research work. Furthermore, students are prepared to enter a doctoral program. A variety of elective and optional courses allow students to deepen their knowledge in subjects that correspond to their individual interests.

Defined BSc degree and Intermediate English Language proficiency certificate, Transcript of studies (last two semesters), Europass CV in English, Medical certificate, Motivation letter
Entrance examination:Yes
Entrance type:Oral
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):B2
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):B2
Place of examination:Online

Making a 100-point ranking out of the admission requirements. 50 point could be given for the basic previous academic achievement and the other 50 point could be reached for the oral entrance exam.
Contact person name:Mr. Roland Pócza
Contact person job position:international coordinator
Contact website:
Contact person name:Mr. Roland Pócza
Contact person job position:International Coordinator
Contact website:
Contact person name:Mr. Roland Pócza
Contact person job position:International Coordinator
Contact website:
Availability of preparatory year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Min. students1
Max. students12
Availability of preparatory year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Min. students1
Max. students5