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Romance Philology and Cultures [Specialized in Italian Studies]

Insitution:Eötvös Loránd University
Faculty:Faculty of Humanities
Course / programme name:Romance Philology and Cultures [Specialized in Italian Studies]
Branch of Science:Arts and Humanities
Level of studies:Bachelor
Qualification:Philologist in Romanistics, Specialized in Italian Studies
Language of instruction:Italian
Duration of the course / programme:6 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Budapest
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsAvailable

Scopo del corso di laurea ? di formare esperti che dispongano di conoscenze teoriche e pratiche nel campo della lingua e della cultura italiana e pi? in generale delle scienze umane e che grazie a queste conoscenze possano esercitare creativamente la loro professione a livello teorico e pratico, inter- e multidisciplinare. I laureati disporranno di conoscenze teoriche sufficienti per poter continuare gli studi nella laurea specialistica (MA).The aim of the degree program is to train experts with theoretical and practical skills in the field of Italian language and literature, or, more generally, in the field of humanities, who, owing to these skills, can creatively practise their profession at theoretical, practical, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary levels. Graduate students will have enough theoretical knowledge to be able to continue their studies at an MA specialization.Strength of programI laureati saranno in grado: di usare la lingua italiana in orale e in scritto a un livello corrispondente al livello C1 delle norme europee, di utilizzare gli strumenti generali di studio e le tecniche fondamentali di ricerca correnti nello studio della lingua e della cultura italiana, di capire globalmente, riassumere, tradurre a livello basico testi di carattere generale.Graduate students will be able to use the Italian language in speech and in writing in a way which corresponds to C1 level of the European framework, use the general study techniques and basic research techniques in connection with the Italian language and culture, understand as a whole, summarise and translate general texts at a basic level.The BA program lasts 3 years. The program is divided into two modules: the first year is the foundation module, the second and third years the main module. At the end of each module there are complex examinations. At the end of the basic module, students take a language proficiency examination, at the end of the main module they attempt the final examination. Note that the program does not offer teaching qualifications.

The students who can apply for the Italian Studies BA Program are expected to present the documentation of their certificate of matriculation from a secondary school and to submit their application with the necessary attachments. The university accepts only certificates, which are equivalent to the Hungarian certificate of matriculation, thus appropriate for continuing one’s studies in university education. If the certificate is not in English, the university needs an official translation, which could be a translation by the secondary school as well. If the applicant completes their secondary education during the current term and their certificate is not issued before the application deadline, a proof of student status or a certification, which verifies that the applicant will receive matriculation is required instead. In case of being accepted as a student, however, the applicant must present their certificate of matriculation upon enrolment at the latest. This program is not available for Hungarian citizens. The educational and outcome requirements are defined by the Ministry of Human Capacities, Regulation No. 18/2016. (VIII. 5.). The details of the application and admission process are defined by the Organisational and Operational Regulations of ELTE.
Entrance examination:Yes
Entrance type:Oral
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):B2
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):B2
Place of examination:Online or in Person

When the university receives the full application package and it is checked by the Department of International Affairs an entrance exam date option will be sent no later than the application deadline for the relevant period. Please, check your messages in the application system, and the e-mail address that is linked to the account regularly.The applications are examined by the Admission Board no later than after each application period and applicants are notified of the outcome of the selection in the online application system after the decision is official. Admission letters are sent out in the online application system within a few days. Procedure of the entrance examination:The entrance exam contains a discussion about the motivation of the applicant. Successful applicants must have a good command of English to pass the entrance exam. The entrance exam can be taken in person or via Skype.Ranking is based on the overall evaluation of academic excellence (based on the submitted documents) and the results of the entrance exam.
Contact person name: Department of International Affairs
Contact person job position:
Contact website:
Contact person name:Mr. Rezsõ Jarmalov
Contact person job position:International Coordinator
Contact website:
Contact person name:Mr. Rezsõ Jarmalov
Contact person job position:International Coordinator
Contact website:
Availability of preparatory year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Min. students2
Max. students15
Availability of preparatory year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Min. students1
Max. students5