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International and European Taxation Program for Lawyers LL.M.

Insitution:Eötvös Loránd University
Faculty:Faculty of Law
Course / programme name:International and European Taxation Program for Lawyers LL.M.
Branch of Science:Legal Science
Level of studies:Postgraduate
Qualification:Master in Laws (LL.M.)
Language of instruction:English
Duration of the course / programme:2 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Budapest
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsNot available

The modern and progressive syllabus is designed to give the students the knowledge necessary to understand the ongoing tax issues of the world we live in. Our teaching staff ensure a well-balanced education in terms of theory and practice. The program runs in co-operation with outstanding European lecturers such as Prof Dr. Frans Vanistendael (honorary professor of ELTE Law, former academic chairman of IBFD, former dean of KU Leuven Belgium) Prof. Dr. Ekkehart Reimer (Heidelberg University Institute of Public Finance and Tax Law) , Prof. Dr. Marco Greggi (Ferrara University Department of Law), Prof. Dr. Niels Bammens (KU Leuven Belgium), PD Dr. Matthias Valta (acting professor Düsseldorf University) and Dr. Daniel Varro (Post doc University Assistant University of Vienna).The program enjoys the advantages of being established in association with the market leader tax advisor companies. Top managers and partners of Hungarian Big4 provide the students with practical issues. Balazs Szuk (manager, PwC), Dr. Attila Kövesdy (Partner In Charge Tax & Legal Deloitte Co. Ltd.), Zoltan Farkas (director, KPMG), Miklos Santa (partner, EY).High representative of the judiciary, chief justice Dr. Peter Darak (president of the Supreme Court of Hungary), furthermore representatives of the tax authority and government (Agnes Fotiadi and Robert Csabai), raise the quality of the program.Lecturers of ELTE Law also contribute to the education. Among many others Dr. Reka Somssich (vice-dean) and Dr. Istvan Simon (Head of Department of Fiscal Law) and Dr. Gabor Kajtar, Dr. Gabor Kecso, Dr. Monika Papp, Dr. Zsolt Szatmari (lecturers of ELTE) represent ELTE Law.Thanks to the remarkable and diverse experience of our teaching staff, the program is close to the need of the market, meanwhile it is grounded by massive analytical and theoretical background.

Applicants have to be in the possession of a Master level legal degree as this is a second master program.
Entrance examination:No
Entrance type:None
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):B2
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):B2
Place of examination:None

The application starts in the online application system. Students need to register in the system, fill in the online application form, upload the required documents and follow the instructions during the application process.There is no entrance exam, decisions are made upon the provided documents.Materials sent by postal mail, electronic mail or fax are not considered. The Faculty of Law does not return application documents, or provide copies thereof under any circumstances.The decisions are made by the Admission Committee of the Faculty within a month after the application deadline.All applicants are notified in written form about the outcome of their applications.Procedure of the entrance examination:No entrance examination is organized. The decision is based on the submitted materials.
Contact person name:Ms. Roberta Bathó
Contact person job position:Program Coordinator
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