Study Finder

Hungarian Language (Preparatory Program)

Insitution:Eötvös Loránd University
Faculty:Faculty of Humanities
Course / programme name:Hungarian Language (Preparatory Program)
Branch of Science:Language program (preparatory)
Level of studies:Non-degree
Qualification:OP in Preparatory course in Hungarian
Language of instruction:Hungarian
Duration of the course / programme:2 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Budapest
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsNot available

The aim of the course is to provide students with a system of tools allowing them to successfully manage communicational situations arising in the target language environment and enabling them to comprehend factual texts containing the basic structures of the language, in both reading and writing. The language knowledge acquired by the end of the course allows students to continue their study of Hungarian at a higher or to immerse themselves in the Hungarian language on their own. The course provides students with the full formal system of the Hungarian language. The course subjects, aimed at developing the various language skills, now concentrate on, among other things, independent written compositions and language use for expressing opinions. The reading programme gradually leads from comprehending texts with the help of a dictionary up to the independent processing of texts. The latter subjects can be expanded by developing the basic vocabulary according to the students wishes into such areas as history, literature, sociology etc. The language knowledge acquired by the end of the course provides Hungarian language knowledge for specific purposes: it therefore enables students to continue studies at university or to use Hungarian as an intermediary language at work. The lectures give an overview of the main events in Hungarian history, they embrace the areas of Hungarian literature, linguistics, folklore, cultural history and sociology. The lectures are held in English.

Secondary school certificate
Entrance examination:Yes
Entrance type:Oral
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):A1
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):A1
Place of examination:Online

The application documents are processed by the Department of International Affairs and then forwarded to the department responsible for the given degree programme. The department checks the documents and organizes an interview by telephone, online (e.g. Skype) or in person. After the entrance interview, the department comes to a decision and informs the Department of International Affairs.
Contact person name: Department of International Affairs
Contact person job position:
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