Study Finder

German Foundation Course (General German)

Insitution:Eötvös Loránd University
Faculty:Faculty of Humanities
Course / programme name:German Foundation Course (General German)
Branch of Science:Language program (preparatory)
Level of studies:Non-degree
Qualification:Declaration of Completion (non-degree program)
Language of instruction:German
Duration of the course / programme:2 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Budapest
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsNot available

The German Foundation Course (Preparatory Year) has been designed for students who wish to study at ELTE or another European university, but do not yet have the necessary level of language competence and study skills to start a degree program in German language. If you take it seriously, the course can bring you up to speed in as little as two semesters.The aim of the program is to provide a gateway for students to German speaking European education, where a good command of knowledge is required. The program equips students with the basic linguistic, cultural and study skills necessary for beginning degree studies at a European university.Das sprachliche Vorbereitungsjahr richtet sich an alle Studienbewerberinnen und Studienbewerber aus dem Ausland, die an der ELTE oder an einer anderen Universität in Ungarn bzw. in Europa studieren wollen, aber noch keinen Nachweis über ausreichende Deutschkenntnisse für das Studium vorweisen können.Der studienvorbereitende Deutschkurs besteht aus zwei Semestern und wird mit wenigstens 750 Kontaktstunden angeboten. Das Ziel des Vorbereitungskurses ist, dass Studieninteressierte die für ihr (Bachelor)Studium nötige fremdsprachliche Handlungsfähigkeit, die kulturellen und sprachlichen Kenntnisse sowie die studienrelevanten Fähigkeiten erwerben. Des Weiteren wird durch die Teilnahme am Kurs eine Mobilität im europäischen Hochschulraum ermöglicht.

The students who apply for the German Foundation Program are expected to present the documentation of their certificate of matriculation from a secondary school and to submit their application with the necessary attachments.The university accepts only certificates which are equivalent to the Hungarian certificate of matriculation and thus appropriate for continuing one’s studies in university education. If the certificate is not in English, the university needs an official translation, which could be a translation by the secondary school as well.If the applicant completes their secondary education during the current term and their certificate is not issued before the application deadline, a proof of student status or a certification, which verifies that the applicant will receive matriculation is required instead. In case of being accepted as a student, however, the applicant must present their certificate of matriculation upon enrolment at the latest.This program is not available for Hungarian citizens.
Entrance examination:No
Entrance type:
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):A2
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):A2
Place of examination:

The application starts in the online application system. Students need to register in the system, fill in the online application form, upload the required documents and follow the instructions during the application process.Applications will only be processed if the application fee (150 EUR, non-refundable) has been transferred to the Faculty’s bank account. For further information regarding fee transferring please visit the Faculty’s website.Results and the official decision will be announced in the application system.For more information about the application procedures, please visit the Faculty\'s website
Contact person name: Department of International Affairs
Contact person job position:
Contact website: