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Computer Science (Foundation year)

Insitution:Eötvös Loránd University
Faculty:Faculty of Informatics
Course / programme name:Computer Science (Foundation year)
Branch of Science:Computer Science and Information Technology
Level of studies:Non-degree
Qualification:Declaration of Completion (non-degree program)
Language of instruction:English
Duration of the course / programme:2 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Budapest
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsNot available

The goal of the Computer Science Msc program is to train Computer Scientist with a professional knowledge based on a solid theoretical background knowledge. The job of a Computer Scientist synthesizes the constructive activity of engineers with the general problem-solving attitude of mathematicians while participating in teams of large-scale projects. Students of the Foundation Year learn the methodologies as well as the programming languages and tools used in software development.This program is recommended to applicants whowant to partake in a well-grounded education that provides a sound base of a successful academic career in Computer Sciencewant to understand the basic programming notions better or gain more experience in programminghave not studied the correct subjects, or not quite achieved the qualifications required for a Master courseobtained grades/qualifications during their Bachelor’s studies that are below the requirements for direct entry to the Computer Science Msc programneed support in their transition into university life and being an international Master student at ELTE, Faculty of Informaticswish to return to education after a long time they completed Bachelor’s studiesThis program enables students togain in-depth technical skills in programmingbenefit from some improvement in their programming knowledgeprogress onto a broad education of Computer Science specialized in programming languages, cyber security, data science, web engineering, autonomous systems, multimedia design etcchoose a Master degree course in Computer Science by obtaining the sufficient background

Holding a BSc degree and obtaining altogether at least 30 ECTS credits in informatics and mathematical subjects during a completed Bachelor's program
Entrance examination:Yes
Entrance type:Both
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):B2
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):B2
Place of examination:Online

In case of September intake: The applications are examined by the Admission Board until the end of May, applicants are notified of the outcome of the selection in the online application system until the middle of June.Admission letters are sent out in the online application system until 30 June.In case of February intake: The applications are examined by the Admission Board and are notified of the outcome of the selection in the online application system until the middle of November. Admission letters are sent out in the online application system until the end of November. Applicants are required to participate in the online entrance exam and a Skype interview held and organized by the Admission Board of ELTE Faculty of Informatics in May (in case of February intake in the beginning of November). Applicants are notified about- time and date/duration of the entrance exam via e-mail one week before the starting date of the exam period by the programme coordinator,- time and date of the Skype interview via e-mail 3 days before the Skype interview by the student coordinator.Applicants can take the entrance exam and the Skype interview only one occassion. In case of communicational difficulties (weak network coverage) the student coordinator attempts to contact the applicant via e-mail and Skype twice within the deadline.In case of lack of participation, posterial requests can not be accepted, appeals are declined after the deadline.The program coordinator notifies all applicants about the outcome of the selection.Type of entrance examination: both Place of entrance examination: onlineFurther details of the Skype interview:The interview takes about 20 minutes in the previously indicated and scheduled time sent by the student coordinator via e-mail.As the language of the education of the Computer Science Master course of ELTE Faculty of Informatics is English, applicants are required to possess at least intermediate level English language proficiency in order to take part efficiently of their academic studies. During the interview applicants are required to prove their English language and communicational skills by replying to questions about their previous studies.As the prerequisite of applying to the Foundation Year of Computer Science Master course is a previously obtained Bachelor degree, no preparation is needed in advance, applicants are only have to be able to present their previously obtained skills.Further details of the entrance exam:In order to get admission to the Foundation Year of Computer Science MSc programme, applicants are required to participate in and pass the online written entrance exam in Canvas system. Canvas is a learning management system used at Eötvös Loránd University. After accepting the invitation, previously sent by the programme coordinator, applicants are required to create a Canvas account. After logging in, exam exercises (some quizzes and surveys regarding previous studies and the interest of the applicant) are available in Canvas system. There is no exact exam date, applicants are able to take the exam whenever they want until the indicated deadline.Further details of selection and evaluation: The ranking is based on a total evaluation of the academic excellence (based on the submitted documents) and the results of the entrance exam.
Contact person name:Ms Katalin Schneider
Contact person job position:Student Coordinator
Contact website: