Study Finder

Central European Studies

Insitution:Eötvös Loránd University
Faculty:Faculty of Humanities
Course / programme name:Central European Studies
Branch of Science:Arts and Humanities
Level of studies:Master
Qualification:Central European Studies Expert
Language of instruction:English
Duration of the course / programme:4 semesters semesters
Location/city of the course:Budapest
Study in Hungary link:
State ScholarshipsAvailable

The aim of the program is to train broad-based area experts by providing a comprehensive and wide-ranging knowledge of the Central European region. Some courses deal with the region’s history, cultures, languages, literary traditions and societies, other subjects focus on past and present political systems, geopolitical factors, economies, international relations, minorities and minority politics, cities, and urban architecture. There is an emphasis on the common heritage of Central Europe, but the curriculum also provides an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the histories and current characteristics of individual countries. A major attraction of Central European Studies is the opportunity to learn regional languages (e. g. Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Romanian or Ukrainian). The program builds upon the uniquely rich variety of languages taught at ELTE and the expertise of philology departments in language instruction. English academic writing is also part of the curriculum. This program is recommended to applicants who wish to obtain a broad and versatile knowledge of the Central European region and acquire complex language skills, to applicants who are ready to put their cultural skills and factual knowledge into practice. This program enables students to understand Central Europe as a cultural region, and identify those cultural, artistic, linguistic, historical, political, economic and societal forces which shaped this region throughout its history. It enables students to build further knowledge on this sound footage during their later careers, and apply their knowledge as well as skills in practical fields. After completing the program, students will be able to effectively cooperate with various cultural communities related to Central Europe and develop an openness toward the multinational and multilingual culture of the region. The program enhances students’ analytical and discussions skills as well as their writing skills. It also develops students’ abstract thinking and encourage them to approach problems with diverse methodologies. The program inspires students to further develop their general knowledge as well as their language skills during their later studies, build strong professional identities, and commit themselves to constant self-education during their careers.

Applicants must hold a bachelor (BA) degree in the following fields of humanities: History, Hungarian, Ethnography, Slavonic Studies, Roma Studies, Liberal Arts, Germanic Studies (Specialized in German Studies and German as Ethnic Minority Studies), Romance Philology and Cultures (Specialized in French or Italian Studies), and in the following fields of social sciences: Sociology and Social Sciences Studies. Applicants holding bachelor’s degrees in other fields are also considered for admission if they have completed a sufficient number of relevant courses (50 credits, 30 for admission) in the fields of history of philosophy, aesthetics, economics- and social studies, international relations studies, political science, Roma studies, communication studies, modern and contemporary history, theory of literature, linguistics, Germanic studies and Slavonic Studies.
Entrance examination:Yes
Entrance type:Oral
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral):B2
Minimum level of language proficiency (written):B2
Place of examination:Online or in Person

When the university receives the full application package and it is checked by the Department of International Affairs an entrance exam date option will be sent no later than the application deadline for the relevant period. Please, check your messages in the application system, and the e-mail address that is linked to the account regularly.The applications are examined by the Admission Board no later than after each application period and applicants are notified of the outcome of the selection in the online application system after the decision is official. Admission letters are sent out in the online application system within a few days. Procedure of the entrance examination:The entrance exam contains a discussion about the motivation of the applicant. Successful applicants must have a good command of English to pass the entrance exam. The entrance exam can be taken in person or via Skype.Ranking is based on the overall evaluation of academic excellence (based on the submitted documents) and the results of the entrance exam.
Contact person name: Department of International Affairs
Contact person job position:
Contact website:
Contact person name:Mr. Rezsõ Jarmalov
Contact person job position:International Coordinator
Contact website:
Contact person name:Mr. Rezsõ Jarmalov
Contact person job position:International Coordinator
Contact website:
Availability of preparatory year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Stipendium Hungaricum programme:No
Min. students2
Max. students20
Availability of preparatory year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Availability of specialisation year in the Diaspora Scholarship programme:No
Min. students1
Max. students5