Easy learning

I. Kapcsolati adatok

Kapcsolatttartó neve

Association of Intercultural Mediators Network

Kapcsolattartó e-mail címe


Kapcsolattartó webcíme


Kapcsolattartó intézmény neve

Association of Intercultural Mediators Network

Kapcsolattartó intézmény címe

Via Mafalda Favero 56, 44123, Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

II. A jó gyakorlat bemutatása

A jó gyakorlat címe

Easy learning

A jó gyakorlat nyelve


A gyakorlat fő célközönsége


A gyakorlat fő célországa




toolkit, learning techniques, intercultural dialogue


The project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission was an international cooperation of Italy, Greece, Spain, Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria, Estonia and Turkey. The project gathered 45 youth workers from the above-mentioned eight European countries
The overall aim of the project is to enhance the development of new non-formal teaching methods in different field of studies. The project aimed generating new experiential learning techniques that education practitioners can use in order to develop new trainings meant to facilitate youth access to labour market in the form of a 7-day-long seminar.
Participants who were involved in this project are able to create and deliver trainings in the field of intercultural dialogue, young entrepreneurship, early school leaving and human rights in an innovative way and with greater impact in youth development. The project has led to the development of a new design of international educational pathways in line with students need. The main tangible result of the Easy Learning project was the ELC (Experiential Learning Cycle) Toolkit called Easy Learning Toolkit. The Toolkit is developed as a brochure that can be used by trainers, professors, youth workers and other professionals when designing trainings for youth.

III. Jó gyakorlat részletei


As a result of the project a toolkit was compiled, it can be dowloaded http://www.aimnetwork.eu/wp-content/uploads/Easy-Learning-Toolkit1.pdf The toolkit serves as a brochure for describing teaching methods, focusing on 3 topics: intercultural dialogue, entrepreneurship and human rights.

Utolsó módosítás

2017.10.18. 10:12:55