Choose your future

I. Contact details

Contact name

General Secondary School Angel Karaliychev

Contact e-mail address

Contact website

Name of the institution

General Secondary School Angel Karaliychev

Address of the institution

13 Doncho Uzunov, 5150 Strazhitsa, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

II. Good practice introduction

Title of the good practice

Choose your future

Language of the good practice


Primary target group of the good practice


Primary target country of the good practice




career guidance, self-awareness, IT tools


The project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission was an international cooperation of Bulgaria, Estonia, Romania, Latvia, Turkey, Denmark and Poland. The project was carried out between 2014 – 2016.
The objectives of the project are to build entrepreneurial skills, raise students’ awareness of their character and abilities, to improve their IT skills while working on various projects, to raise attainment of under-achieving students, to get to know the labour market and broaden their horizons about the variety of jobs available as well as to learn more about the jobs in the area. Attached to that objectives, online open courses were developed in the project partners’ languages and covered the topics mentioned above.
Besides that the project aimed to raise the quality of career counselling by improving students’ self-evaluation skills and their ability to assess their suitability for a particular job, to raise students’ awareness of the demands, requirements, problems and offers of the European labour market, to develop the English language and assimilation skills at all schools. Hence a career orientation activity guide was developed which consists of 13 activities which can be used for students between 14-19 years old.

III. Good practice details

Impact of measures taken

The online courses in several languages and in different topics, and the career orientation guide can be dowloaded from here:

Last edited

2017.10.18. 11:17:45
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